Modern learning for a complex and uncertain world

Case Studies

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Trusted by our clients

Businesses thrive with modern management training

Success Stories

Programme with CMI Accreditation

40 team leaders per year
100 % pass rate for CMI Level 3
The prestigious Sunseeker Team Leader Academy keeps trade-specific team leaders motivated and skilled in day-to-day people management. It means the business can grow their talent and offer people a career path into management.

Designed by us in 2015 and updated every year, the twelve-week programme consists of on site training, remote mentoring, a CMI Level 3 management qualification and a variety of work-based projects and challenges
"I was delighted to see you nominated for ‘Wonderful Workforce Solution of the Year’ at the National Shine Awards. I appreciate the work you carry out for us. Thanks to you and your team for all of your hard work and commitment."

Colin Hague - NHS

Masters for Medics and Managers

314 people trained over 3 years
100 % agree it was an open forum for honest conversations about leadership.
The Empowering Leaders pathway was co-designed and co-delivered with Peer Specialist trainers from a mental health charity. People with lived experience add real impact to the classroom learning sessions, as did senior managers from the Trust.

A unique partnership with the local University provided M-level accreditation for Professional Practice and Quality Improvement. The programme was characterised by medics and managers learning leadership together to better drive organisational improvements.
"I just wanted to thank you for the great sessions that have been delivered over the last 4 months, I personally get a great deal to reflect upon out of them and have found the learning to be very insightful within my fairly new role."

Gemma Shone - NHS

Skills Update for Executive Team

22 directors and senior managers attended
100 % agreed it met their learning needs
A half-day workshop was designed to address some specific skills gaps for executives, directors and senior managers from across the business. The programme was delivered face-to-face in Covent Garden, London and Gillingham in Dorset.
"John designed a management training to meet our specific business needs. The training sessions were attended by all of our senior managers. Everyone found the course provided an effective and enjoyable development workshop from which they felt better equipped to do their job. I highly recommend John for leadership development programmes."

Jacqui Margolis - Neal's Yard Remedies

Graduate Programme

2 business actors to argue and negotiate with
2 senior managers to impress with written work and presentations
This annual residential development programme accelerates a positive group dynamic amongst graduates from engineering and business disciplines. It provides them with the skills to be effective professionals able to thrive in a high-pressure defence engineering setting. The programme builds skills and confidence through elaborate simulation exercises using business actors, assessments, group work, presentations, and work-based projects.
"“Thank you for making this more than a teaching and learning exercise, your insight was incredibly interesting and valuable. I’m really looking forward to the next couple of sessions.”"

Kieran Neilson-Watts - AEUK

CMI Qualifications On-Demand

0 the number of days individuals have to wait to start studying their management qualification with us
156 possible CMI courses that Aster people can choose from.
Individuals and department managers can choose from our full range of qualifications. They have the autonomy to fill their skills gaps for team leaders and managers and contact us when they need to. Our learner-focussed approach means each person gets exactly the support they need to suit them.
"“We love the forward-thinking approach that Aster Housing Group has taken to developing their managers. We’ve been providing CMI qualifications for them for years like this now. They were way ahead of the curve, most other companies are just catching up with this idea now.”"

John Chisholm - Crescente