
Team Leader Academy

We're excited to offer our Team Leader Academy Programme, designed specifically to help individuals develop the skills they need to become effective leaders. Our comprehensive Programme covers everything from communication and delegation to conflict resolution and performance management.
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Team Leader Academy

Who is this Programme for?

The Team Leader Academy is for anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills and become a better team leader.

Whether you're a seasoned manager looking to sharpen your skills or a new team leader looking to build a solid foundation, the Team Leader Academy has something for everyone. Join us on this journey to becoming a more confident and capable leader.
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Managers and supervisors

The Team Leader Academy Programme is suitable for Managers and supervisors who want to enhance their leadership and management skills to effectively lead and inspire their teams.
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Project leaders

Project leaders can benefit from the Team Leader Academy Programme as it equips them with the skills to coordinate team members and manage resources to achieve project goals.
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Business owners

Business owners can improve their leadership skills and learn how to build and lead a successful team with the Team Leader Academy Programme.
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Anyone who is responsible for leading a team

Anyone who is responsible for leading a team can benefit from the Team Leader Academy Programme as it covers a range of topics, including communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and performance management, essential skills to become an effective leader.

CMI Project Management Course

Delivery Options

Live virtual classroom

This is our standard method of delivery. Our live virtual training is an excellent option for individuals that work remotely or have responsibilities that make it difficult for them to attend a face-to-face training. It also reduces the time away from work.

Face to face learning

Face-to-face learning offers a chance for people to learn together and discuss current workplace issues. Learning together boosts teamwork and engagement.

Hybrid/ blended learning

Typically a mixture of online learning, work-based learning and face-to-face or virtual sessions. Blended learning typically includes classroom sessions, small group activities and individual coaching. A blended learning approach gives you complete flexibility over delivery options and can reinforce and embed your key messages.

What will I learn in the Team Leader Academy course?

Our comprehensive course covers a range of topics, including communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and performance management. You’ll learn how to build and motivate a high-performing team, as well as how to handle difficult situations and make tough decisions.